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Public DMPs

Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Project title  Template  Organisation Owner Download
An exploration of methods for preserving live-service videogames: the role and responsibility of the developer-curator BSU Data Management Plan Bath Spa University Will Butler (new window) Opens in new window
A new approach to nonperturbative physics University of Amsterdam Template University of Amsterdam (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Marcel Vonk (new window) Opens in new window
An Ethnographic Study of Trail Running, Feminism and Development in Nepal ESRC Template Durham University Will Lloyd (new window) Opens in new window
An analysis of how cancer patients in remission during COVID-19 seek social and moral support. DCC Template Other Zoé Charpentier (new window) Opens in new window
Analysis of the distribution of the population of Austria by altitude Horizon 2020 DMP Other David Wagner (new window) Opens in new window
Analysis of the distribution of inhabitants of Austria by altitude DCC Template Other David Wagner (new window) Opens in new window
Analysis of the Current Situation and Future Development Trends of the Smart Elderly Care Industry DCC Template Hong Kong Baptist University yunhui zhu (new window) Opens in new window
Analysis of correspondence between real-world football players' statistics and FIFA players' values and rating DCC Template Other Ivan Lichner (new window) Opens in new window
Análisis del impacto de los diseños ópticos de lentes de contacto con desenfoque periférico retiniano en las habilidades visuales de sujetos pediátricos DCC Template Other Hugo Pena Verdeal (new window) Opens in new window
Análisis de la composición química del meibum y su relación con pruebas diagnósticas de la Enfermedad de Ojo Seco DCC Template Other Hugo Pena Verdeal (new window) Opens in new window